Ok So how to connect Ill be putting up a simple one and a Detailled one:

Simple one:
1. Get all the files from the Download page
2. Put Flyff.rar, then cs serller.rar in the flyff folder
3. Open up Theme and Put flyffUI.rar
4. Connect to one of the networks
5. Ask Thrinaria for account ( If hes not on you gotta wait)
6. Put at neuz.ini the ip   >>
7. Sunkist The FlyForAria.exe
8. Your ready to play

Detailled one:
1. Go to www.flyforaria.synthasite.com and Download all the files
2. Put flyff.rar in yur flyff folder and let it overwrite all
3. Put cs seller.rar in yur flyff folder and let it overwrite all
4. Go to ur folder open up the folder called Theme and put the Default at flyffui.rar in it, and let it overwrite all
5. Get hamachi and connect too one of the networks.
6. Rightclick the name Thrin and do chat ans ask for account
He will ask for you to put ur Username/ pass please do so.
7. Go to ur flyff folder then to neuz configuration settings and open it with notepad. Look for ip:"" and put it like this ip:""
8. Rightclick FlyForAria.exe and do Create shortcut. Rightclick the shortcut and click properties. At properties click the tabpage Shortcut and you see Target. After Target there stand sumthinglike this :
"C://Program Files/Gpotato/Flyff/FlyForAria.exe"
Now put it like this : C://Program Files/Gpotato/Flyff/FlyForAria.exe" sunkist
Now click on Apply and then ok. Run the shortcut and yur done
9. Wallah you can play